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Roads are an important worker improvement that will allow for your units to traverse across the maps with fewer orders spent. They cost 1 turn and 1 Orders.png to build and 10 Stone.png when built on flat terrain, or 20 Stone.png when built on hilly terrain.

The road network can be viewed by pressing and holding 'v' on your keyboard. All connected roads that you have built will be highlighted by a solid green tile. All non connected roads will be highlighed in yellow. Note that non-connected roads outside your borders will not be highlighted.

Connected road
Unconnected road

Importance of roads[edit]

Connected status[edit]

When your cities are connected it will give +2 Growth.png to your city and -10% maintenance.

Saving orders[edit]

Orders are one of the hardest resources to acquire in Old World and roads give the ability to save some of this precious resource. All units will require orders to move around the map, whether it's military or civilian. Roads can effectively triple your order pool, assuming the terrain you are moving through is forest or hilly.

In the example below a warrior unit wishes to move from 1 city site to another. Without roads this will cost the unit 11 orders to move from site A to site B (assuming no marching). With a road this comes down to 5 orders. For a single unit this saving doesn't appear significant, but during a war scenario, large amounts of units will be moved and these savings will add up dramatically.

Moving without a road
Orders spent with road