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Legitimacy is a system of titles earned by leaders through their actions. Legitimacy can be earned through the following ways:

  • Earning enough renown to achieve a new cognomen (see below).
  • Finishing Ambitions (+10 Legitimacy), or Legacy Ambitions (those of your immediate predecessor)(+5 Legitimacy)
  • Events (can go up and down by a few points)
  • Through past rulers (half the value per ruler, i.e. 2 rulers ago would yield 1/4th the legitimacy to your current ruler).

Known cognomen[edit]

Below is a table that lists all the cognomen that can be acquired, as well as how much legitimacy it provides to the ruler (and their heirs). A new cognomen can only be gained if that title provides more legitimacy than the previous title, with the exception of the negative cognomens.

Known titles
Title Legitimacy Required Renown Renown Acquired Through Notes
The Founder 10 0 First leader starts with this
The New 0 0 Subsequent leaders start with this
The Warrior 10 1000 Military Unit Killed (200), Military Unit Killed (as General) (200),Unit Lost (-100)
The Drillmaster 20 2000 Military Unit Killed (200), Military Unit Killed (as General) (200),Unit Lost (-100)
The Valiant 30 3000 Military Unit Killed (200), Military Unit Killed (as General) (200),Unit Lost (-100)
The Mighty 40 4000 Military Unit Killed (200), Military Unit Killed (as General) (200),Unit Lost (-100)
The Victorious 50 5000 Military Unit Killed (200), Military Unit Killed (as General) (200),Unit Lost (-100)
The Lion 60 6000 Military Unit Killed (200), Military Unit Killed (as General) (200),Unit Lost (-100)
The Invincible 70 7000 Military Unit Killed (200), Military Unit Killed (as General) (200),Unit Lost (-100)
The Capable 20 2000 Unit Trained (100), Unit Promoted (100)
The Ready 30 3000 Unit Trained (100), Unit Promoted (100)
The Destroyer 20 2000 Tribe Cleared (500)
The Avenger 40 4000 Tribe Cleared (500)
The White Death 60 6000 Tribe Cleared (500)
The Intercessor 30 3000 Tribal/National Peace (1000), Tribal/National Alliance (2000)
The Peacemaker 30 5000 Tribal/National Peace (1000), Tribal/National Alliance (2000)
The Conqueror 40 4000 City Captured (2000), Capital Captured (2000)
The Subjugator 60 6000 City Captured (2000), Capital Captured (2000)
The Restorer 30 3000 City Recaptured (1500)
The Liberator 50 5000 City Recaptured (1500)
The Settler 20 2000 City Founded (1000)
The Pioneer 40 4000 City Founded (1000)
The Ambitious 20 4000 Courtier Added (0), Specialist Trained (100)
The Brilliant 40 4000 Courtier Added (1000), Specialist Trained (100)
The Beloved 60 6000 Courtier Added (1000), Specialist Trained (100)
The Rebuilder 20 2000 Improvement Repaired (200)
The Mason 10 1000 Improvement Finished (100), Wonder Finished (2000)
The Architect 20 2000 Improvement Finished (100), Wonder Finished (2000)
The Keystone 40 4000 Improvement Finished (100), Wonder Finished (2000)
The Fountainhead 60 6000 Improvement Finished (100), Wonder Finished (2000)
The Devout 20 2000 World Religion Founded (1500), Theology Established (1000), Religion Spread (200)
The Holy 40 4000 World Religion Founded (1500), Theology Established (1000), Religion Spread (200)
The Explorer 30 3000 Tribe/Nation Contacted (100), Caravan Arrived (200), Landmark Discovered (300), Landmark Named (400), Ruins Explored (200), Tile Revealed (1)
The Intrepid 50 5000 Tribe/Nation Contacted (100), Caravan Arrived (200), Landmark Discovered (300), Landmark Named (400), Ruins Explored (200), Tile Revealed (1)
The Learned 20 2000 Techs Discovered (500)
The Enlightened 40 4000 Techs Discovered (500)
The Wise 60 6000 Techs Discovered (500)
The Old 40 4000 Years Reigned (100)
The Ancient 50 5000 Years Reigned (100)
The Able 30 15000 All
The Just 40 20000 All
The Good 50 25000 All
The Strong 60 30000 All
The Noble 70 35000 All
The Glorious 80 40000 All
The Magnificent 90 45000 All
The Great 100 50000 All
The Unfortunate -20 1000 City captured (-1000), City recaptured (-750), City lost (2000), Military unit killed (-100), Military unit killed (as General) (-100), Units Lost (100)
The Unready -40 2000 City captured (-1000), City recaptured (-750), City lost (2000), Military unit killed (-100), Military unit killed (as General) (-100), Units Lost (100)
The Weak -60 3000 City captured (-1000), City recaptured (-750), City lost (2000), Military unit killed (-100), Military unit killed (as General) (-100), Units Lost (100)
The Bad -80 4000 City captured (-1000), City recaptured (-750), City lost (2000), Military unit killed (-100), Military unit killed (as General) (-100), Units Lost (100)
The Bloody -100 5000 City captured (-1000), City recaptured (-750), City lost (2000), Military unit killed (-100), Military unit killed (as General) (-100), Units Lost (100)

Gaining Renown[edit]

Renown can be gained through various ways, though not all may be used for certain cognomen, see above. This here lists all possible ways of getting renown.

Gaining Renown
Method Renown
Ambition Achieved 4000
Legacy Achieved 2000
Tribe Cleared 200
Tribe/Nation Contacted 100
Tribal/National Peace 1000
Tribal/National Alliance 2000
City Founded 1000
City Captured 2000
Capital Captured 2000
City Recaptured 1500
City Lost -2000
Courtier Added 1000
Improvement Finished 100
Improvement Repaired 200
Landmark Discovered 300
Landmark Named 400
Tile revealed 1
World Religion Founded 1500
Theology Established 1000
Ruins Explored 200
Specialist Trained 100
Tech Discovered 500
Unit Trained 100
Unit Promoted 100
Military Unit Killed 200
Military Unit Killed (as General) 200
Unit Lost -100
Wonder Finished 2000
Years Reigned 100